You must :

  1. Have a valid email address throughout the application process, which you should consult regularly, particularly as deadlines approach.
  2. Carefully read the terms and conditions relating to your competition and scrupulously respect the deadlines mentioned in the calendar.

Application fees - required reading

The amount of the application fee is indicated in each recruitment presentation: for 2024, it amounts to 105 euros (to which may be added, only for CPGE candidates registered on SCEI, registration fees for competition banks). Your application will not be registered until payment has been received. Otherwise, it will not be examined by the jury. This amount remains the property of the INSA Group, regardless of the jury's decision (including if you withdraw your application after the jury).
An e-mail confirming that the payment has been taken into account/the application has been registered is systematically sent. If you do not receive this e-mail, please contact the INSA Group Admissions Department.

Please note that application fees for all INSA Group establishments are managed by INSA Lyon.

Online payment by credit/debit card is preferred :

This payment facility is offered on the online application (redirection to a payment site guaranteeing the transaction security).

Other methods of payment :

If it is absolutely impossible to pay by card, you may opt for :

Payment by cheque :

You must send a cheque made payable to the INSA Lyon Accounting Officer, without forgetting to indicate on the back the surname, first name(s) and number of the candidate concerned. As soon as your cheque has been received and registered by the INSA Group Admissions Department, you will be informed on your application file.

Mailing address :
Service Admission du Groupe INSA
Campus LyonTech La Doua
9, allée du Rhône
69628 Villeurbanne Cedex

Please note that this method of payment is only available to holders of a French bank account.

Payment by bank transfer :

As soon as your payment has been made, you must upload the proof of payment, in PDF format, to your online application file, which must indicate the surname, first name and number of the candidate concerned.
Once validated by the INSA Group Admissions Department, this will be considered as proof of payment.

Please note that proof of transfer without any candidate number will not be taken into account.

Bank charges for international transfers are the responsibility of the payer. Here are the bank details to provide to your bank :
SWIFT reference : Y055054 07
Download INSA Lyon's bank details

NB : A refund can only be made with the agreement of the INSA Group Admissions Department, in the event of a duly justified and resignation submitted before the jury or a change in status (from "non scholarship holder" to "scholarship holder"). The deadline for submitting the application with supporting documents is 15 June prior to the start of the school year.

Scholarship holder 2024-2025

Candidates who can show that they have this status for the 2024-2025 academic year, and only that year, are considered to be "scholarship holders".
Candidates with a higher education level 0 scholarship are also exempt from the application fee.

The scholarship must be :

  • awarded on the basis of social criteria
  • issued by the French government
  • definitive
  • issued for the year 2024-2025

For secondary school students, the notification of award or renewal, issued by the French Ministry of Education, is the only valid document taken into consideration.
For students in higher education, only the final grant notification issued by the Crous will be taken into account.

Please note : conditional grant notifications will not be accepted.

For 1st year "Parcoursup" candidates : the scholarship receipt must be uploaded in PDF format directly onto the Parcoursup national platform.
For other 2nd and 3rd year candidates (except 3rd year CPGE candidates on SCEI) : you should send us your certificate by uploading it in PDF format directly into your online application file.

Multiple applications

A candidate may not apply more than once for the same entry level. An exception to this rule is accepted in the case of a 3rd year application made at the same time as a 3rd year apprenticeship application.
Please note: if you are applying simultaneously for the INSA Group Engineering diploma and the Engineering-Sciences Po Rennes and Toulouse double-diploma, you only have to pay once, €105.

Candidates with disabilities

IF you wish to inform the jury of a particular situation, you should first contact the disability advisor at the institution that interests you most. Contact details will be given in the brochure available in November 2024.

Recognised high-level sportsperson candidate

"Recognised" high-level sportspeople are those registered on the national lists of the Ministry for Towns, Youth and Sport in the elite, senior, youth, hopefuls, retraining and national team categories. Professional sportspeople, when they are beneficiaries of a training agreement under article L.221 -5 of the French Sports Code, are entitled to the same rights as high-level sportspeople. The specific admission of high-level sportspeople is governed by the French law on sport N o. 84-610 of 16 July 1984 (Loi AVICE) (art.28).
In certain cases, the admission of candidates who are good sportspeople but not on the ministerial lists may take into account the sports project, but this is by no means automatic.

Foreign candidate

Regardless of your competition route, if you are not of French nationality you must contact the French Embassy or Campus France as soon as possible alongside your application to help you with the administrative formalities (information, orientation, visa,etc.).
Visit .
Please note: candidates must complete the application procedure on Etudes en France, and in parallel, they must submit an application on the INSA Group admission site (respecting the application calendar). Once you have registered with Etudes en France, you must go back to your online application on the INSA Group admissions website to enter your "Campus France ID".

Gap year

In the event of admission, a student may ask to take a gap year. The admitting institution will decide whether or not to accept this request.

In the event of admission

The result is only communicated on the online application site. Successful candidates must comply with the deadline for replying to the offer of admission, failing which they will be deemed to have resigned, with no right of appeal.

Verification of information provided

A decision by the admissions jury is always made subject to verification of the information provided and the candidate's diploma. Checks are completed by the end of August at the latest.
Any error affecting the candidate's ranking, any fraud or attempted fraud detected will result in the candidate's name being removed from the list of successful candidates.

Replacement session for the bac

Candidates presenting a French baccalauréat and requesting permission to sit the September replacement session must notify the INSA Group Admissions Department in writing before 3 July 2025.

An INSA Group student (student-engineer, resigning during the year or excluded)

  • may not reapply if they are currently enrolled at the INSA Group.
  • may not reapply for the 1st year, 2nd year or 3rd year if they were admitted to the same level of study and began their studies at that level (even if they subsequently dropped out).
  • may not apply for the Sciences Po INSA Rennes-Toulouse double-diploma in the 1st year on Parcoursup if they are studying for an engineering degree, and vice versa.

There are opportunities to transfer within the INSA Group at the end of the 1st or 2nd year. They are rare and, in all cases, require the agreement of both the sending and receiving institutions, as well as the decision of a jury.

Appeal procedures and deadlines

If you consider that the decision taken by the admissions jury is questionable, you may lodge :

- either an informal appeal to the Chairman of the admissions jury. This administrative appeal must be submitted within two months of notification of this decision. It will be deemed to have been rejected if you have not received a reply within two months of receipt by the administration. You then have two months in which to lodge a contentious appeal. N.B.: a second informal appeal, following an initial informal appeal, does not extend the time limit for lodging a contentious appeal.

- or a contentious appeal to the Lyon Administrative Court, 184 rue Duguesclin, 69433 Lyon cedex 03, within two months of notification of this decision.